Have you ever read the blog Money Saving Mom? It's one of my daily reads. She's a Christian, a mom, a home school teacher to her kids, and much more. Anyway, I bring it up because she suggests making goals for the coming year, and for the first time in my life, I made a list of things I want to accomplish and I wrote it down! I even showed them to Darrell.
The things I came up with are not hard. They aren't easy either. They are things that will make life better, relationships closer, and time management simple.
The targets I aim to hit this year revolve around the people I care for on a daily basis, my husband and kids. Here are a few of my purposes of actions for 2012. ;)
1.) A solid bedtime routine--stories and prayer time with all 3 kids together before sleep. We even started a prayer book where I ask what/who the kids want to pray for and we write it down. I figure we can look back on that book in later years and have a few laughs or tears about the prayer requests written in it. We started this routine 3 days ago and the kids have already caught on, choosing books, getting the prayer book out, and holding hands during prayer. So cute.
2.) Create a more structured daily routine. I want to start teaching the kids more. I think having an actual time of day for each subject I want to teach would help and create more disciplined attitudes. This goal is going to be hard, as I am not the most disciplined person. I am not good with sticking to routine, especially when I'm tired. I'm pretty sure the kids will like a schedule, kids love a good routine!
3.) Create an organization and cleaning schedule. Yes, another schedule, but I think this will help keep me on top of chores instead of the sporadic cleaning I usually do. I'm always doing 3 cleaning projects at once, instead of focusing on and finishing one. A schedule will help!
4.) Workout 3 times a week on my WII fit---this is the hardest goal because this means getting up earlier than the kids!
5.) More strict grocery shopping and menu planning and more freezer cooking! This also takes discipline and planning ahead, things I'm not good at normally! Hoping a refreshed attitude in 2012 makes me better at these things.
With a lot of prayer, communication with my husband, patience with my kids, and working together, accomplishing these goals will be a cinch.
It is said that routines makes kids feel secure, and therefore they behave better. Well, all hands on deck, routines are coming to the Cummins' household! Let's see if mom can stick to it!
P.S. After writing this list, my cousin posted on Face Book that she is giving up sugar (besides coffee and a few other things) until January 31st and invited friends to join her. I told her I would try. I started yesterday, and day one went great! I allowed myself to have my morning coffee and some chocolate milk, but other than that no desserts/sugar! I was really proud of myself, considering how much sugar I usually consume. We'll see how well this keeps going.
I want to be in all senses of the words, All. Things. Mama.
As far back as I can remember I've wanted to be a mom, not just any mom, but the mom that stays home with her kids full time. The mom who loves even when she is not loved back, who can't breathe without thinking of her kids first. The mom who loves teaching, playing, cooking, baking, laughing, and kissing owies. The mom who is ALL THINGS MAMA. My husband and I scrimp so that dream can be fulfilled. Being a mom is not part time for me. It is something that has captured my heart. All of the going ons of my life start with thoughts of my kids. My kids consume my love and my life and I allow it because, with God's help they are the essence of what makes me a mother. This is me...
kids: the reason for moms
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
It's the build up...
The nativity scenes, the music, the lights, the decorations, the shopping, the parties, sometimes the snow, the movies, and of course the food are what make Christmas, Christmas, for me. It's not the actual day, it's the build up, the excitement for the coming of the actual day that makes me happiest. I love staring at the tree, listening to Christmas music, thinking of how much fun getting together with family and friends will be. Thinking of my kids and how much fun they are going to have in the coming days.
It seems as though I need a wake up call this year. I've been letting life's problems get me down, making this season not as bright. I've been dwelling on the bad, instead of the good, not trusting that God is putting the pieces together in a perfect and beautiful life puzzle, just like He always has and will. I need to focus the lens of my life on what I have, not what I want, because what I have is so good, and way more than I need or deserve.
Why do I always drown myself in the sorrows of my problems, forgetting that God has never failed to provide? When I remember His provisions and everything He does, His peace surrounds me and I feel like myself again. I am able to celebrate and focus on the good stuff which makes life so much better!
So, here's to getting a better focus and holding onto it for the coming year! Happiness focused.
It seems as though I need a wake up call this year. I've been letting life's problems get me down, making this season not as bright. I've been dwelling on the bad, instead of the good, not trusting that God is putting the pieces together in a perfect and beautiful life puzzle, just like He always has and will. I need to focus the lens of my life on what I have, not what I want, because what I have is so good, and way more than I need or deserve.
Why do I always drown myself in the sorrows of my problems, forgetting that God has never failed to provide? When I remember His provisions and everything He does, His peace surrounds me and I feel like myself again. I am able to celebrate and focus on the good stuff which makes life so much better!
So, here's to getting a better focus and holding onto it for the coming year! Happiness focused.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Oh Christmas...
You make me wanna do this...
and a little of this...
and possibly a tad of this...
Peppermint mergingues anyone? I know, a little overkill...I have never made a meringue that whipped up like that and as long as I have little kids running around I'm probably not going to try it!
Notice anything different about this blog entry? I'm using pictures from the internet. I think I can finagle a few more unseen pics of my own from before the big camera accident, but until the camera is replaced it's either this or blurry pictures from my phone.
So, in birth order, here are some pics I've been meaning to post but haven't. Starting with our first born, Melanie!
Bouncy house party, cute shoes, and perfect colorer. :)
And our middle kid, Easton!
My happy boy, bouncy house, posing, making art projects, coloring!
And our baby, Skyelynn
Just being her cute baby self!
Christmas time brings happy kids and yummy desserts, two of my favorite things!
What does Christmas make you want to do?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Forget me not...
I forget to switch the laundry..and then I have to re-wash the load. I forget the cookies in the oven and we have crispy cookies. I forget to pay a bill, to make a phone call, to pick up butter at the store, but there are 3 little things I make sure to remember.
Here they are, 1,2, and 3--well 4 if you count Guapo. I couldn't forget them if I tried. They wouldn't let me! Plus they're so darn cute I don't think anyone could forget them.
There is just one problem, I broke my camera the other day. These are a few of the last shots I got before dropping the camera on the floor--last time I try to take a picture one handed with a baby on my hip!
As I was saying, I can't forget them, and they won't let me. For example, when we go upstairs, this is what Easton says every time, "Mom, wait for me!!" (add whiny voice and sad face and you've got the full effect.) Or Melanie when she's tired, "Mom, I want you." as she climbs on my lap to cozy with me. Or Skyelynn, when she's in someone else's arms, following me with her gaze, making sure I'm still around to take her back into my arms. It's all the little things they do that say "forget me not!" And I love it. I love that they need me, want me, love me, because I need, love, and want them too! :)
So, kids of mine, this is my message to you also, FORGET ME NOT! Because someday you will not want me as much in your lives...just forget me not.
oh, and Guaps, same message to you, although I don't think I need to tell you!
Here they are, 1,2, and 3--well 4 if you count Guapo. I couldn't forget them if I tried. They wouldn't let me! Plus they're so darn cute I don't think anyone could forget them.
There is just one problem, I broke my camera the other day. These are a few of the last shots I got before dropping the camera on the floor--last time I try to take a picture one handed with a baby on my hip!
As I was saying, I can't forget them, and they won't let me. For example, when we go upstairs, this is what Easton says every time, "Mom, wait for me!!" (add whiny voice and sad face and you've got the full effect.) Or Melanie when she's tired, "Mom, I want you." as she climbs on my lap to cozy with me. Or Skyelynn, when she's in someone else's arms, following me with her gaze, making sure I'm still around to take her back into my arms. It's all the little things they do that say "forget me not!" And I love it. I love that they need me, want me, love me, because I need, love, and want them too! :)
So, kids of mine, this is my message to you also, FORGET ME NOT! Because someday you will not want me as much in your lives...just forget me not.
oh, and Guaps, same message to you, although I don't think I need to tell you!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Remember when God...
I saw this posted on a friend's face book status and it intrigued me. Finishing that sentence would take a million pages. It would take as much ink as there is water in the oceans. How could we ever even write down all or even have the capacity in our brains to remember all the things God has done? It's impossible.
The awesome thing is that God knows. He knows the short falls of our humanity. The best we can do is simply thank Him for everything, knowing fully that anything that is good is from Him.
Here are some things that I think about and love to tell others that God did for me.
~He heard the longing of my heart and gave me a wonderful husband and provider.
~God turned my sadness of losing a baby through a miscarriage into the happiness of 3 little blessings named Mel, East, and Skye all in less than 4 years!
~He gave me a church and Bible study that taught me more about having a relationship with Him than I learned in all the years before going there.
~He's given me patience, a reason to live, smile more, hug tighter, talk sweetly, live more lovely, give more, expect less.......He's given me EVERYTHING!
Oh, hi little blessings :)
The awesome thing is that God knows. He knows the short falls of our humanity. The best we can do is simply thank Him for everything, knowing fully that anything that is good is from Him.
Here are some things that I think about and love to tell others that God did for me.
~He heard the longing of my heart and gave me a wonderful husband and provider.
~God turned my sadness of losing a baby through a miscarriage into the happiness of 3 little blessings named Mel, East, and Skye all in less than 4 years!
~He gave me a church and Bible study that taught me more about having a relationship with Him than I learned in all the years before going there.
~He's given me patience, a reason to live, smile more, hug tighter, talk sweetly, live more lovely, give more, expect less.......He's given me EVERYTHING!
Oh, hi little blessings :)
Monday, November 28, 2011
There are two things I do not like At. All. during the holidays. Their names are "Sipping in Seattle's Latte Land" and "Christmas in the Northwest." These songs have forever annoyed me because of their all out corniness that exceeds the limit of corny allowed for regular, old time, good Christmas songs. Someone give me an amen! Anyone?
While I dislike these songs there is an abundant mess of things I absolutely love about this time of year. Taking it from the top:
1.) My sister playing Silver Bells on the piano and singing loudly and withA LOT of bravado like an old lady in church who thinks she sounds really good!
2.) Snowmen decor
3.) Our church all decorated
4.) Christmas movies
5.) Talking to my kids about baby Jesus
6.) Shopping
7.) Arts and crafts with the kids
8.) Saying "Merry Christmas"
9.) Decorating
10.) Looking at the tree while drinking my morning coffee
There is so much more I LOVE, but these are my top ten. What are your faves?
While I dislike these songs there is an abundant mess of things I absolutely love about this time of year. Taking it from the top:
1.) My sister playing Silver Bells on the piano and singing loudly and withA LOT of bravado like an old lady in church who thinks she sounds really good!
2.) Snowmen decor
3.) Our church all decorated
4.) Christmas movies
5.) Talking to my kids about baby Jesus
6.) Shopping
7.) Arts and crafts with the kids
8.) Saying "Merry Christmas"
9.) Decorating
10.) Looking at the tree while drinking my morning coffee
There is so much more I LOVE, but these are my top ten. What are your faves?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
And for my next trick...
I will make my kids extremely thankful this holiday season..umm ya right. We're working on it! I wish we were all born grateful, with no expectations of being given the things we want. I know I would be a much better person if that were true!
Now, for the real trick, I will resurrect my last Thanksgiving post and place some parts of it in this post because I remember liking what I wrote so much and I think you'll like it again too...at least that's what I tell myself.. :)
I wrote this last year and it applies to this year too:
Too many blessings to count..and if I really did eat them for dinner I would weigh a thousand pounds.
Since last Thanksgiving we have been blessed with another child, my husband's job, and many more things that are too many to sit and write. It's an overflowing cup of love that we call our lives. God does not let us down.
If you did not try a serving of thankfulness this year, go ahead, take a bite, it's delicious and it's the best meal you'll ever eat! It also makes you a better person. My goal for now until next Thanksgiving is to be more thankful, not take anything for-granted, and show my gratitude to others more often!
Wow we've been blessed with ANOTHER child again this year too!
Isn't she pretty? Don't worry we won't be adding a new baby every year--I think we're maxed out at 3 unless God provides a miracle. ;) But we will continue to put thankfulness on our plates and savor the wonderful flavor of it's goodness.
We've also been blessed with my husband's job again, as he was laid off for 2 months and recently back on the work wagon. I love that he works so hard and I don't tell him thank you enough. I'll work on that this year too. :)
And yes, my goal of being more thankful remains the same, because being thankful can never max itself out. It's a never ending goal.
Ok, and one more thing, I'm thankful for this lopsided tree because it means kids are running around helping me decorate!
Check out the bottom right side of the tree...does your tree hang low? Does it wobble too and fro? Ours does! Sorry about the bad picture..it's from my phone which is dated back to the 1980's..just kidding! It's old, but I'm THANKFUL to have a phone. :)
So, where do you keep your thankfulness?
Now, for the real trick, I will resurrect my last Thanksgiving post and place some parts of it in this post because I remember liking what I wrote so much and I think you'll like it again too...at least that's what I tell myself.. :)
I wrote this last year and it applies to this year too:
Too many blessings to count..and if I really did eat them for dinner I would weigh a thousand pounds.
Since last Thanksgiving we have been blessed with another child, my husband's job, and many more things that are too many to sit and write. It's an overflowing cup of love that we call our lives. God does not let us down.
If you did not try a serving of thankfulness this year, go ahead, take a bite, it's delicious and it's the best meal you'll ever eat! It also makes you a better person. My goal for now until next Thanksgiving is to be more thankful, not take anything for-granted, and show my gratitude to others more often!
Wow we've been blessed with ANOTHER child again this year too!
Isn't she pretty? Don't worry we won't be adding a new baby every year--I think we're maxed out at 3 unless God provides a miracle. ;) But we will continue to put thankfulness on our plates and savor the wonderful flavor of it's goodness.
We've also been blessed with my husband's job again, as he was laid off for 2 months and recently back on the work wagon. I love that he works so hard and I don't tell him thank you enough. I'll work on that this year too. :)
And yes, my goal of being more thankful remains the same, because being thankful can never max itself out. It's a never ending goal.
Ok, and one more thing, I'm thankful for this lopsided tree because it means kids are running around helping me decorate!
Check out the bottom right side of the tree...does your tree hang low? Does it wobble too and fro? Ours does! Sorry about the bad picture..it's from my phone which is dated back to the 1980's..just kidding! It's old, but I'm THANKFUL to have a phone. :)
So, where do you keep your thankfulness?
Monday, November 21, 2011
It's something I've been needing for a while now. My writing suffers because of it, my unorganized closets suffer because of it, and other things like reading, cleaning, keeping in touch with family and friends, well, almost everything suffers when inspiration is lost.
But this morning I saw something that brought me some more of this inspiration I've been craving. I watched my husband get up at 4:30, and after showering and getting dressed, he walked into each of our kids' rooms and hugged and kissed them while they slept. He does this everyday, but today was one of the rare mornings I was still upstairs to see it. It's endearing to see a man be soft and sweet. You've heard it said that when you see your husband with your kids you fall in love all over again, that would be true!
This week is going to be a busy one. I have recipes to make, nooks and crannies to clean, a birthday party to plan and kids to entertain while I do all of this. Inspiration is a must. If I start to lose it again, I'll picture my husband making the rounds to kiss the kids goodbye while they sleep.
And if that isn't inspiration enough..this little girl squinting to watch her daddy and brother and sister outside playing is pretty inspiring. :)
Sorry about the lapse in blog posts, I'll try to be better about writing now that I've found my inspiration!
But this morning I saw something that brought me some more of this inspiration I've been craving. I watched my husband get up at 4:30, and after showering and getting dressed, he walked into each of our kids' rooms and hugged and kissed them while they slept. He does this everyday, but today was one of the rare mornings I was still upstairs to see it. It's endearing to see a man be soft and sweet. You've heard it said that when you see your husband with your kids you fall in love all over again, that would be true!
This week is going to be a busy one. I have recipes to make, nooks and crannies to clean, a birthday party to plan and kids to entertain while I do all of this. Inspiration is a must. If I start to lose it again, I'll picture my husband making the rounds to kiss the kids goodbye while they sleep.
And if that isn't inspiration enough..this little girl squinting to watch her daddy and brother and sister outside playing is pretty inspiring. :)
Sorry about the lapse in blog posts, I'll try to be better about writing now that I've found my inspiration!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Autumn glitter...
We made something pretty today and I made my kids happy. Such a small project, but it brought big smiles and lots of fun to our house. Why don't I do this more often? It makes me feel like an accomplished mom.
Melanie got to play with the glitter and paper leaves that I cut out while Easton napped. I was too afraid of what Easton might do with the glitter to let him in on that fun. :) But don't worry, he joined us later to help with other fall decorating.
Simple project + kids creating = cool mom. Once again...Why don't I do this more often?
After bath time we used the extra leaves to decorate some more and to let Easton get creative.
I can't begin to describe their excitement over the simple task of taping glittery paper leaves to the wall above their table. And when daddy got home, they could not stop talking about the leaves and the project of hanging them up! Wow--score one for mom! They think I'm so cool. :)
I got the idea for the hanging leaf mobile decoration from this blog: www.kellehampton.com
This is where we hung our leaf mobile. And a good time was had by all!
Melanie got to play with the glitter and paper leaves that I cut out while Easton napped. I was too afraid of what Easton might do with the glitter to let him in on that fun. :) But don't worry, he joined us later to help with other fall decorating.
Simple project + kids creating = cool mom. Once again...Why don't I do this more often?
After bath time we used the extra leaves to decorate some more and to let Easton get creative.
I can't begin to describe their excitement over the simple task of taping glittery paper leaves to the wall above their table. And when daddy got home, they could not stop talking about the leaves and the project of hanging them up! Wow--score one for mom! They think I'm so cool. :)
I got the idea for the hanging leaf mobile decoration from this blog: www.kellehampton.com
This is where we hung our leaf mobile. And a good time was had by all!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Love is in the house...
...and the house is packed! Skyelynn is here and her brand new, loveable, baby presence brought tons of visitors to our door..well, our hospital door and our front door! I tried to remember to get pictures of all her visitors holding her but a few of you got away from me. I apologize!
Here's a smattering of who came and went and packed our room and house with love!
This is how it should be...lots of family, lots of friends, lots of love!
She surprised us with her gobs of dark hair and low birth weight, at least in comparison to our firstborn monster bald babies. Skyelynn has changed our family dynamics in a good way.
It's been an adjusting period, these last 3 weeks of newborn love in our home---thus writing and keeping up with our blog has not happened. But here it is, short and sweet, a tiny update on our lives.
She fits right in. She scatters joy in our home. She has brought us new found smiles we didn't know we had until we met her, just like all new babies do. More to come when life gives us time...
Here's a smattering of who came and went and packed our room and house with love!
This is how it should be...lots of family, lots of friends, lots of love!
She surprised us with her gobs of dark hair and low birth weight, at least in comparison to our firstborn monster bald babies. Skyelynn has changed our family dynamics in a good way.
It's been an adjusting period, these last 3 weeks of newborn love in our home---thus writing and keeping up with our blog has not happened. But here it is, short and sweet, a tiny update on our lives.
She fits right in. She scatters joy in our home. She has brought us new found smiles we didn't know we had until we met her, just like all new babies do. More to come when life gives us time...
Monday, August 22, 2011
3 under 3...
In a week I'll be a mom of 3..all under the age of 3. I'm ready, I think. Another baby to love, play with, teach, pray for, take pictures of, kiss, worry about, check on in the middle of the night and lose sleep over.
Easton and Mel are growing so fast and getting so big, yet I still peek in their rooms if I wake up in the middle of the night, just to make sure they're sleeping cozily. I've heard from other moms that this never stops. You'll forever be checking on your kids, no matter how big they get. I can see that.
Melanie and I went shopping alone yesterday. She made sure to bring her purse. "Just girls" she said as we pulled out of the drive, "Easton's not a girl so he stays with daddy." I love our trips together, just us girls.
While we were out we bought Easton some big boy undies. She was so excited when we got home that she kept telling Darrell that Easton was awake and not napping anymore. "Daddy, I hear Easton talking." She said this at least 3 or 4 times before it was actually true. She wanted to give him his new underwear so bad! I'm pretty sure she was more excited about his new underwear than he was, although he thought they were "cool".
It's weird to think that pretty soon I'll be typing up little stories about another little girl. A baby girl named Skyelynn Faith. What will she be like? Who will she look like? All these questions and continuous prayers every night that she makes a safe arrival. I can't wait!
Easton and Mel are growing so fast and getting so big, yet I still peek in their rooms if I wake up in the middle of the night, just to make sure they're sleeping cozily. I've heard from other moms that this never stops. You'll forever be checking on your kids, no matter how big they get. I can see that.
Melanie and I went shopping alone yesterday. She made sure to bring her purse. "Just girls" she said as we pulled out of the drive, "Easton's not a girl so he stays with daddy." I love our trips together, just us girls.
While we were out we bought Easton some big boy undies. She was so excited when we got home that she kept telling Darrell that Easton was awake and not napping anymore. "Daddy, I hear Easton talking." She said this at least 3 or 4 times before it was actually true. She wanted to give him his new underwear so bad! I'm pretty sure she was more excited about his new underwear than he was, although he thought they were "cool".
It's weird to think that pretty soon I'll be typing up little stories about another little girl. A baby girl named Skyelynn Faith. What will she be like? Who will she look like? All these questions and continuous prayers every night that she makes a safe arrival. I can't wait!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Jot everything down...
Just so you know, Taylor Swift's new song does not say "jot everything down" in the chorus like I thought. I'm glad I was mistaken though because it makes for a good blog topic. I want to "jot everything down" that my kids do so I won't forget, so they can look back and laugh at themselves. That is part of the reason (well A LOT of the reason) I started this blog. It is an archive of memories they can look back on.
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Jot everything down..take pictures with friends during your mom's coffee date with her friend. :) |
The actual lyrics say "drop everything now". Still fitting for my life. I'm working on dropping everything when my kids ask for my attention. Paying bills, cleaning, cooking, these can all be dropped to read a little book, tickle a kid, or kiss a cheek. I don't want to be the mom who, without turning their way, absent mindedly says "yes, honey, that's great" when my kids ask me to watch them do something. I want them to remember the mommy who always celebrated their accomplishments, played with them, and taught them things.
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Drop everything now and run in the sprinkler...and let them wear their helmet if they want..haha |
Yesterday, I made the conscious effort to drop everything, leave behind a messy kitchen, and get the kids outside before noon. We did it, but Guapo made another escape before I could get him on his stake leash. I wasn't about to bail him out of jail again, so this made for an interesting situation, but the kids loved it! I grabbed both of their hands and we headed down the street to get him. Literally down, because we live on a hill. Luckily, he hadn't made it past the intersection to the other neighborhoods because at 8 1/2 months pregnant I was already sweating and not looking forward to the short walk to the end of our street. So, after catching him, I carried Guapy-pop (our new nickname for him that the kids and I made up) on my right side and held both kids' hands in my left hand. We walked back up the hill toward home and of course 2 of our 4 neighbors saw our crazy little circus going home. I really wished I had a picture of that..because I wanted to see what we looked like!
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Drop everything and meet the ice cream truck/van for the first time. Jot everything down and make picture memories swimming at a friend's house. |
After our early before noon play time outside, we went back inside to our messy house and ate lunch. Then, as the kids napped, I got the things picked up and cleaned that we left behind earlier to make our memories. The pool was all clean and filled with fresh water being warmed by the sun so when they woke up they could take a dip. Dropping everything made the day much more fun! The only thing I'm sorry to report is that the camera didn't make it out of my purse to take any photos.
Speaking of jotting everything down, I had this entire blog written out last night, all I had to do was add the pictures and somehow this morning I pressed a button and everything was gone! Talk about a bummer, but I think I wrote it better the second time around. :)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A mess with a purpose...
This task I've been given...
It's hard...
Trying to turn the natural born bad instincts into good.
I naturally want to act bad and so do my kids..the only difference is that I know how I should act and my kids don't know all the time. And they watch. They imitate. They observe my actions and if I act out in ways that are inappropriate, they think it's ok. I try to be on my best behavior, because actions are louder than words.
We're all born like a messy junk drawer. We are constantly trying to be organized but never fail to stay unorganized. But luckily we're all messes with a purpose. A God given purpose. I want to teach my kids to focus on their God given purpose so their junk drawers are more neat than messy.
Sometimes it feels like, so far, NOT so good. I just ruined my kids' good behavior expectations by the way I reacted to a situation. And other times I am thanking God for giving me patience for the 100th fit that was thrown that day.
As much as I can make life sound so perfect and fun by all the cute stories I write in this blog, it is no secret that there are those days where life feels way less than perfect and not fun at all!
Today is a good day. As I write this blog entry, this is what I'm watching my kids do as they laugh hysterically! Hoping they wear themselves out for bedtime!
No matter what, God is good and I'm lucky He gave all of us messes a purpose in life!
Oh ya, and the whole reason I'm talking about junk drawers is because I have 2 that need to be organized right now. And I'm not talking about figurative junk drawers. They're the real deal! lol.
It's hard...
Trying to turn the natural born bad instincts into good.
I naturally want to act bad and so do my kids..the only difference is that I know how I should act and my kids don't know all the time. And they watch. They imitate. They observe my actions and if I act out in ways that are inappropriate, they think it's ok. I try to be on my best behavior, because actions are louder than words.
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This isn't my junk drawer--just a pic from Google images. |
We're all born like a messy junk drawer. We are constantly trying to be organized but never fail to stay unorganized. But luckily we're all messes with a purpose. A God given purpose. I want to teach my kids to focus on their God given purpose so their junk drawers are more neat than messy.
Sometimes it feels like, so far, NOT so good. I just ruined my kids' good behavior expectations by the way I reacted to a situation. And other times I am thanking God for giving me patience for the 100th fit that was thrown that day.
As much as I can make life sound so perfect and fun by all the cute stories I write in this blog, it is no secret that there are those days where life feels way less than perfect and not fun at all!
Today is a good day. As I write this blog entry, this is what I'm watching my kids do as they laugh hysterically! Hoping they wear themselves out for bedtime!
No matter what, God is good and I'm lucky He gave all of us messes a purpose in life!
Oh ya, and the whole reason I'm talking about junk drawers is because I have 2 that need to be organized right now. And I'm not talking about figurative junk drawers. They're the real deal! lol.
Monday, August 1, 2011
hugs and sleep fighting...
Both my kids are fighting naps. I'm exactly one month away from bringing a newborn in our house and they have chosen that now is a good time to stop napping. As annoying as it is, because I would like to nap today too, it all dissolves into happy thoughts when I think about the way they feel when they hug me. Or the way they look when they hug someone else.
I've decided toddler hugs are one of the best things in the world. They don't just hug, they do it with all their might and love and they mean it.
Melanie adds on a surprise last minute kiss after a hug that makes me forget the fits and meltdowns that happened two minutes before-hand. And Easton, my precious Easton, will hug me and in the sweetest, little, yet somewhat deep boy voice say, "wuv you mama, much".
If I could save these hugs in a bottle for future comfort and love, I would...and I'd make millions selling them. :) So, I guess I don't truly care if they miss a nap or two..as long as they still love hugging me...but I'll keep trying for the naps too!
I've decided toddler hugs are one of the best things in the world. They don't just hug, they do it with all their might and love and they mean it.
Melanie adds on a surprise last minute kiss after a hug that makes me forget the fits and meltdowns that happened two minutes before-hand. And Easton, my precious Easton, will hug me and in the sweetest, little, yet somewhat deep boy voice say, "wuv you mama, much".
If I could save these hugs in a bottle for future comfort and love, I would...and I'd make millions selling them. :) So, I guess I don't truly care if they miss a nap or two..as long as they still love hugging me...but I'll keep trying for the naps too!
Monday, July 25, 2011
The simple life...
I want my kids to love the simple pleasures in life...like picking blueberries with grandpa.
Or gardening with me.
Or serving pretend coffee.
Or coloring.
Or doing things that do not require money or new things.
We don't buy our kids birthday presents or Christmas presents. They are spoiled enough by other family members and friends. My wish is that they recognize holidays can be special and fun without the greediness of wanting MORE gifts. It's a difficult concept to teach, show, and learn, especially since I, myself, always seem to be wanting more!
Instilling these ideas in our kids while they are constantly submersed in a culture that tells them they need things to be happy is an ongoing process. To do what makes you feel good, to watch things that shouldn't be seen by anyone, and eating things that are so bad for the body is what our world tells us to do to be happy.
It makes me want to take them away and seclude them from all the bad things. It brings on fleeting thoughts of wanting to move to an Amish community where beauty is found in outdoor scenery, in sharing with others, in serving God. That thought quickly diminishes when I realize I can't sew, I don't know the first thing about milking a cow, I would not like wearing an Amish kapp, and I definitely do not want to learn Amish deutsch. Maybe we'll just visit? :)
I'm pretty sure life with the Amish has its flaws too. No life on earth is perfect. But it's fun to dream, right?
Therefore, instead of becoming Amish, I will be trying some Amish recipes. Yummy food makes a cozy home and a happy hubby. Cooking with the kids makes great memories. I'll keep you updated on what's been cooking around here. We'll see how much cooking gets done once Skyelynn arrives. And if the weather ever gets warm, this new venture of mine will be postponed until further notice...
Here is a smattering of simple pleasures that have been keeping us busy lately..
Playing in the back of daddy's truck, making play-doh frogs, trying on daddy's shoes, playing in the kiddie pool on the back deck, sitting on daddy's motorbike.
What simple things make your life better?
Or gardening with me.
Or serving pretend coffee.
Or coloring.
Or doing things that do not require money or new things.
We don't buy our kids birthday presents or Christmas presents. They are spoiled enough by other family members and friends. My wish is that they recognize holidays can be special and fun without the greediness of wanting MORE gifts. It's a difficult concept to teach, show, and learn, especially since I, myself, always seem to be wanting more!
Instilling these ideas in our kids while they are constantly submersed in a culture that tells them they need things to be happy is an ongoing process. To do what makes you feel good, to watch things that shouldn't be seen by anyone, and eating things that are so bad for the body is what our world tells us to do to be happy.
It makes me want to take them away and seclude them from all the bad things. It brings on fleeting thoughts of wanting to move to an Amish community where beauty is found in outdoor scenery, in sharing with others, in serving God. That thought quickly diminishes when I realize I can't sew, I don't know the first thing about milking a cow, I would not like wearing an Amish kapp, and I definitely do not want to learn Amish deutsch. Maybe we'll just visit? :)
I'm pretty sure life with the Amish has its flaws too. No life on earth is perfect. But it's fun to dream, right?
Therefore, instead of becoming Amish, I will be trying some Amish recipes. Yummy food makes a cozy home and a happy hubby. Cooking with the kids makes great memories. I'll keep you updated on what's been cooking around here. We'll see how much cooking gets done once Skyelynn arrives. And if the weather ever gets warm, this new venture of mine will be postponed until further notice...
Here is a smattering of simple pleasures that have been keeping us busy lately..
Playing in the back of daddy's truck, making play-doh frogs, trying on daddy's shoes, playing in the kiddie pool on the back deck, sitting on daddy's motorbike.
What simple things make your life better?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Little funnies... and special moments
My kids make me laugh everyday...example:
Mel was using my big spatula spoon to slowly carry a little ball around the house to see how long she could keep the ball balanced. (No, I didn't teach her this game, although it sounds like something my dad would have had us doing at that age!) Easton, in an effort to copy his big sister, went and got this:
I laughed so hard. I just had to take a pic of what it was they were using when they were done playing.
On another note, being made to feel special and loved is something that brings me the utmost pleasure in life. Yesterday, my husband brought home a small bottle of Cherry Coke for me, just because he knows I have been craving it during this pregnancy. I didn't ask for it. I didn't even hint for it. He just did it. I just love him. A simple gesture on his part gave me butterflies and let me know I am loved by him. In a world where disappointment happens from all ends, Darrell always seems to know how to keep my spirits up.
Well, that's all I have to say today. It's baby shower day for Skyelynn. I'm excited to see some good friends.
Babies=the good stuff in life.
Mel was using my big spatula spoon to slowly carry a little ball around the house to see how long she could keep the ball balanced. (No, I didn't teach her this game, although it sounds like something my dad would have had us doing at that age!) Easton, in an effort to copy his big sister, went and got this:
![]() |
Mel's spoon and ball are on the left, Easton's on the right. lol |
I laughed so hard. I just had to take a pic of what it was they were using when they were done playing.
On another note, being made to feel special and loved is something that brings me the utmost pleasure in life. Yesterday, my husband brought home a small bottle of Cherry Coke for me, just because he knows I have been craving it during this pregnancy. I didn't ask for it. I didn't even hint for it. He just did it. I just love him. A simple gesture on his part gave me butterflies and let me know I am loved by him. In a world where disappointment happens from all ends, Darrell always seems to know how to keep my spirits up.
Well, that's all I have to say today. It's baby shower day for Skyelynn. I'm excited to see some good friends.
Babies=the good stuff in life.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Ready, set, GOAL!
I don't like laundry, but I think I've found a way to make it less daunting, less overwhelming, and even somewhat enjoyable. Doing laundry has never given me more satisfaction than it has in the past 10 days in my entire life.
I've challenged myself to do one load of laundry every day for the month of July. How's it working out? FABULOSO! Our laundry is so under control and so not overwhelming that I'm ashamed to say that I didn't think of this idea sooner.
When I get my one load of laundry done for the day, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something and I don't have anymore laundry to do after that one load!
The kids were napping, and I watched TV, while a cute dog watched me fold my laundry for the day!
I began this project by taking one day and getting ALL of the piled up laundry taken care of in the entire house, besides the clothes we were wearing, of course. :) I think I did 5 or 6 loads. Darrell came home and was impressed and mentioned something about it, so you know it must have been bad. Then, I made up my mind to do one load a day in order to keep up with it and to keep our lives a little less cluttery. You should try it. I make myself wash a load even if I don't feel like it because I know I'll feel better sticking to my goal. Oh and I started making homemade laundry detergent. (Thanks Haley Johnson for the idea and recipe) It's much cheaper and all natural. A lot better for our health and babies skin. Want to know how?
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
1 grated bar of ivory soap
Mix in a blender til it becomes a powder, and voila!
I love it!
Here's a couple more things that I love lately: This blog---> http://www.kellehampton.com/ and this little shopping site that I found on that blog---->http://www.darlybird.com/index.html
Next goal? Declutter our bedroom before little Skyelynn gets here. I'm thinking I'll need a babysitter for the day, so that I can focus all of my attention on that project. Any volunteers? :) They're really cute and fun to hang out with!
Here's to sticking to goals and making life less cluttery!
I've challenged myself to do one load of laundry every day for the month of July. How's it working out? FABULOSO! Our laundry is so under control and so not overwhelming that I'm ashamed to say that I didn't think of this idea sooner.
When I get my one load of laundry done for the day, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something and I don't have anymore laundry to do after that one load!
The kids were napping, and I watched TV, while a cute dog watched me fold my laundry for the day!
I began this project by taking one day and getting ALL of the piled up laundry taken care of in the entire house, besides the clothes we were wearing, of course. :) I think I did 5 or 6 loads. Darrell came home and was impressed and mentioned something about it, so you know it must have been bad. Then, I made up my mind to do one load a day in order to keep up with it and to keep our lives a little less cluttery. You should try it. I make myself wash a load even if I don't feel like it because I know I'll feel better sticking to my goal. Oh and I started making homemade laundry detergent. (Thanks Haley Johnson for the idea and recipe) It's much cheaper and all natural. A lot better for our health and babies skin. Want to know how?
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
1 grated bar of ivory soap
Mix in a blender til it becomes a powder, and voila!
I love it!
Here's a couple more things that I love lately: This blog---> http://www.kellehampton.com/ and this little shopping site that I found on that blog---->http://www.darlybird.com/index.html
Next goal? Declutter our bedroom before little Skyelynn gets here. I'm thinking I'll need a babysitter for the day, so that I can focus all of my attention on that project. Any volunteers? :) They're really cute and fun to hang out with!
Here's to sticking to goals and making life less cluttery!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The art of imitation...
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" -Charles Caleb Colton
If the above is true, Melanie must feel flattered ALL the time.
He wants to be just like her, he wants to make her laugh, he wants her to think he's great! Little brother loves big sister, copies so many of things she does and says...he really has perfected the art of imitation.
If Melanie asks for a pickle, Easton yells "ya pickles!!!" as loud as he can with a huge smile on his face. If Melanie wants to watch Dora, he does too, and will let us know by yelling "Dora!" as loud as he can. Everything Mel does or wants to do is the most exciting and fun thing he has ever heard of...he is the ultimate admirer of his big sister.
One day they had this inside joke together. They would look at each other and say "PU!" really loud and laugh as hard as they could. The next morning, during breakfast Easton looked and Melanie, and hoping to get a big laugh yelled "PU!" to which Melanie replied, "that's not funny." Poor guy, just trying to impress big sis!
Everyday is a new day to try and impress her by imitating her every move. I've tried to document it through pictures, but justice is not done. Check out what I did catch.
Daddy is another person in this house who should be feeling pretty good about himself, because, he gets flattered all the time also.
I'm sure this phase of imitating the people he loves will not last forever. Soon he will be coming home with some things he's learned from his friends at school that I will not like at all. So, I am enjoying the good stage of imitation right now. The stage of where big sis and daddy are the coolest people alive. The good stuff in life.
P.S. I can't wait to see what little Skyelynn brings to the table by way of imitation after she gets here! She'll have more siblings to impress. :)
If the above is true, Melanie must feel flattered ALL the time.
He wants to be just like her, he wants to make her laugh, he wants her to think he's great! Little brother loves big sister, copies so many of things she does and says...he really has perfected the art of imitation.
If Melanie asks for a pickle, Easton yells "ya pickles!!!" as loud as he can with a huge smile on his face. If Melanie wants to watch Dora, he does too, and will let us know by yelling "Dora!" as loud as he can. Everything Mel does or wants to do is the most exciting and fun thing he has ever heard of...he is the ultimate admirer of his big sister.
One day they had this inside joke together. They would look at each other and say "PU!" really loud and laugh as hard as they could. The next morning, during breakfast Easton looked and Melanie, and hoping to get a big laugh yelled "PU!" to which Melanie replied, "that's not funny." Poor guy, just trying to impress big sis!
Everyday is a new day to try and impress her by imitating her every move. I've tried to document it through pictures, but justice is not done. Check out what I did catch.
Daddy is another person in this house who should be feeling pretty good about himself, because, he gets flattered all the time also.
I'm sure this phase of imitating the people he loves will not last forever. Soon he will be coming home with some things he's learned from his friends at school that I will not like at all. So, I am enjoying the good stage of imitation right now. The stage of where big sis and daddy are the coolest people alive. The good stuff in life.
P.S. I can't wait to see what little Skyelynn brings to the table by way of imitation after she gets here! She'll have more siblings to impress. :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Runaway dogs...
About a month ago, I realized how crazy this little family circus of mine truly is, will be, and probably will stay before it calms down. It all started with one of Guapo's famous runaway scenes. The kind where I open the door, he slips through it, and immediately runs down the street to have a romp through the neighborhood.
This was one of the times where I didn't bother to chase him because it was raining, a friend had just pulled up for a visit, and I knew he would be back later, scratching at the door, when he was done exploring.
Keep reading, this story gets better---
My friend and her two kids (3 year old boy and 4 month old girl) come in to hang out and eat lunch with us and we catch up and talk about life. She tells me she would really like to be a stay at home mom. This is when the true craziness begins.
My kids are screaming at each other every time one or the other tries to look at the baby because they both want to be the only one playing with her. Melanie pees on the floor in the front hallway, and while I'm cleaning that mess up and changing her, Easton is moving the bench from his table to the back door so that he can unlock it. After getting him off the bench and telling him no, I turn around to put the bench back to the table and he is behind me getting into the garbage. I turn around to get him out of the garbage and pick up the mess and he is back on the bench again unlocking the door (imagine this happening about 2 more times!). To add to this the doorbell rings. I answer it and it is a neighbor asking if we own a little white dog. Why yes we do I say. He then tells me that he is running around down the street. My friend says she'll watch the kids so I can get the dog. It's raining, hard, and I'm 5 months pregnant, running down the street, looking for my dog, who I can catch no sight of. (I can only dream what the neighbors were thinking watching me) I immediately gave up on that and came back to the house to find Melanie standing on a kitchen table chair playing with the baby who is in a bouncy seat on the table. This is fine, because she is keeping occupied and is having fun and not yelling at Easton! Finally, my friend and I sit down to eat, when Easton decides he wants to see the baby too, so he climbs up and gets on top of the table, knocks down my glass of water and sits in the water. So, I take him off the table, take off his wet pants and put them in the laundry room and when I come out he as taken off half his diaper and is walking around with it falling off. At this point, I just looked at my friend and started laughing and said "um, are you SURE you want to be a stay at home mom??" She started laughing hysterically and we went through everything that had gone wrong so far and laughed even harder. While we were still laughing there was a scratching at the door and guess who finally came home? Guapo! And he was sopping wet. I opened the door and he came RUNNING through the house as fast as he could with all the kids chasing him around. I mean, why wouldn't that happen? More chaos was bound to ensue.
As much as I would like to just be able to sit down to a nice lunch with and friend and do nothing but talk and catch up, I realize that will not be happening for a while now. And now we're adding another to this family circus! It keeps life interesting and good and keeps my perspective in check. It also keeps my patience level up and keeps me laughing. Cheers to chaos!
OH and by the way, about 2 weeks later, my kids locked me out of the house...!
This was one of the times where I didn't bother to chase him because it was raining, a friend had just pulled up for a visit, and I knew he would be back later, scratching at the door, when he was done exploring.
Keep reading, this story gets better---
My friend and her two kids (3 year old boy and 4 month old girl) come in to hang out and eat lunch with us and we catch up and talk about life. She tells me she would really like to be a stay at home mom. This is when the true craziness begins.
My kids are screaming at each other every time one or the other tries to look at the baby because they both want to be the only one playing with her. Melanie pees on the floor in the front hallway, and while I'm cleaning that mess up and changing her, Easton is moving the bench from his table to the back door so that he can unlock it. After getting him off the bench and telling him no, I turn around to put the bench back to the table and he is behind me getting into the garbage. I turn around to get him out of the garbage and pick up the mess and he is back on the bench again unlocking the door (imagine this happening about 2 more times!). To add to this the doorbell rings. I answer it and it is a neighbor asking if we own a little white dog. Why yes we do I say. He then tells me that he is running around down the street. My friend says she'll watch the kids so I can get the dog. It's raining, hard, and I'm 5 months pregnant, running down the street, looking for my dog, who I can catch no sight of. (I can only dream what the neighbors were thinking watching me) I immediately gave up on that and came back to the house to find Melanie standing on a kitchen table chair playing with the baby who is in a bouncy seat on the table. This is fine, because she is keeping occupied and is having fun and not yelling at Easton! Finally, my friend and I sit down to eat, when Easton decides he wants to see the baby too, so he climbs up and gets on top of the table, knocks down my glass of water and sits in the water. So, I take him off the table, take off his wet pants and put them in the laundry room and when I come out he as taken off half his diaper and is walking around with it falling off. At this point, I just looked at my friend and started laughing and said "um, are you SURE you want to be a stay at home mom??" She started laughing hysterically and we went through everything that had gone wrong so far and laughed even harder. While we were still laughing there was a scratching at the door and guess who finally came home? Guapo! And he was sopping wet. I opened the door and he came RUNNING through the house as fast as he could with all the kids chasing him around. I mean, why wouldn't that happen? More chaos was bound to ensue.
As much as I would like to just be able to sit down to a nice lunch with and friend and do nothing but talk and catch up, I realize that will not be happening for a while now. And now we're adding another to this family circus! It keeps life interesting and good and keeps my perspective in check. It also keeps my patience level up and keeps me laughing. Cheers to chaos!
OH and by the way, about 2 weeks later, my kids locked me out of the house...!
Monday, May 9, 2011
God made man simple. His complex problems are of his own devising. Ecclesiastes 7:29
Simplicity sounds so good to me. Our ladies Bible study has been studying The Celebration of Discipline and the discipline of simplicity has been especially intriguing. Maybe it's because I've realized how utterly problematic things become when we don't keep it simple. We become like spoiled children when we begin spoiling ourselves with things. The more I have the more selfish I become, and the more I think about the selfish ways I've acted throughout my life, it makes me want to simplify.
My grandmother was so good at being simple. As I look back at how loving, kind, generous, soft spoken and happy she was, it becomes so clear that she had the discipline of simplicity shining through her heart and soul. She gave away everything, she barely had anything, and she was SO happy. She spoke of Jesus all the time without shame. She loved everyone. She had a great sense of humor. She was a role model of how Jesus wants a person to act. I miss her so much.
I want what my grandma had.
Simplicity sounds so good to me. Our ladies Bible study has been studying The Celebration of Discipline and the discipline of simplicity has been especially intriguing. Maybe it's because I've realized how utterly problematic things become when we don't keep it simple. We become like spoiled children when we begin spoiling ourselves with things. The more I have the more selfish I become, and the more I think about the selfish ways I've acted throughout my life, it makes me want to simplify.
My grandmother was so good at being simple. As I look back at how loving, kind, generous, soft spoken and happy she was, it becomes so clear that she had the discipline of simplicity shining through her heart and soul. She gave away everything, she barely had anything, and she was SO happy. She spoke of Jesus all the time without shame. She loved everyone. She had a great sense of humor. She was a role model of how Jesus wants a person to act. I miss her so much.
I want what my grandma had.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A hairy first...
Waiting for the haircut was fun..but the actual cut brought on a plethora of emotions!
Nervous, scared, sad, and finally a little bit happy...:) My baby looks more like a little boy..a hard transition for me...one more step towards letting him grow.
Nervous, scared, sad, and finally a little bit happy...:) My baby looks more like a little boy..a hard transition for me...one more step towards letting him grow.
Afterward, we went to Target and browsed the aisles together, bought a few things and had fun. Easton showed us some of his dance moves in the electronic aisle. I wanted to put the video on here but for some reason it isn't working...for now you can watch it on Facebook!
Here's to letting babies grow up!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Make a memory...
It is one of my all time missions as a mama to make memories for my kids, this is why we packed up and headed to the lake house on a cold Saturday, that threatened rain last weekend. And oh my did we have a blast! It was an all day play date with Tia (Auntie), cousins, and Papa. Poor grammy was sick and couldn't make it, but don't worry, there was a certain little girl who made sure grammy got a get well phone call before we left for the day. :)
Although it was a cold, somewhat wet day, we made the best of it. We played inside watching movies, eating, and taking cousin pictures until the weather permitted a park visit.
Grandpa pulled the kiddos in a big wagon to the park, and the kids got to sit back, relax, and eat M&M's on the way there. Pretty sure it was their little piece of heaven on earth. When we got to the park, the kids played, played, and played until the adults got too cold and the kids' eyes seemed to droop a little too much.
And so back to the lake house we walked. We went back inside and cozied up to eat a little ice cream and watch another movie. It really was a great day. For everyone. The kind of day that I would remember if I were a kid because it was so full of things that kids LOVE: Cousins, Grandpa, Guapo, park, food, and movies.
Both my kids passed out on the way home, and this is how they decided to sleep when I got them into the house. Can you tell they're related?
And after that much needed nap on the couches with their butts up in the air, dinner at home, and bed time rolled around, I asked Melanie what her favorite part of the day was and her answer was so nice...she said "Papa".
I think all the kids would have answered the same..
And if I were to perfectly put into words the way this day felt for me, and I think the way it felt for my kids, this quote would sum it right up!
"Hmmm, how to "can a day?" You know, those days that seem just perfect you want access to them whenever the need arises." ~Jeb Dickerson
On to more memory making...
This weekend gave us a semi good weather Sunday, so the kids and I decided to make more memories at our favorite park right here in little old Eatonville. And what makes the park more memorable than a fancy little hair do?
And posing for mom...
And chasing birds...
And climbing rocks...
Don't mind the finger I accidentally got in the picture...
And all the other things you get to do at the park...
Although it was a cold, somewhat wet day, we made the best of it. We played inside watching movies, eating, and taking cousin pictures until the weather permitted a park visit.
One cousin missing/not wanting to take pics--but so it goes with unpredictable kids :)
Grandpa pulled the kiddos in a big wagon to the park, and the kids got to sit back, relax, and eat M&M's on the way there. Pretty sure it was their little piece of heaven on earth. When we got to the park, the kids played, played, and played until the adults got too cold and the kids' eyes seemed to droop a little too much.
And so back to the lake house we walked. We went back inside and cozied up to eat a little ice cream and watch another movie. It really was a great day. For everyone. The kind of day that I would remember if I were a kid because it was so full of things that kids LOVE: Cousins, Grandpa, Guapo, park, food, and movies.
Both my kids passed out on the way home, and this is how they decided to sleep when I got them into the house. Can you tell they're related?
And after that much needed nap on the couches with their butts up in the air, dinner at home, and bed time rolled around, I asked Melanie what her favorite part of the day was and her answer was so nice...she said "Papa".
I think all the kids would have answered the same..
![]() |
Because grandpa makes everyone happy. |
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Even little girls named Ashlyn who tried to dodge all pictures that day! |
And if I were to perfectly put into words the way this day felt for me, and I think the way it felt for my kids, this quote would sum it right up!
"Hmmm, how to "can a day?" You know, those days that seem just perfect you want access to them whenever the need arises." ~Jeb Dickerson
On to more memory making...
This weekend gave us a semi good weather Sunday, so the kids and I decided to make more memories at our favorite park right here in little old Eatonville. And what makes the park more memorable than a fancy little hair do?
And posing for mom...
And chasing birds...
And climbing rocks...
Don't mind the finger I accidentally got in the picture...
And all the other things you get to do at the park...
Yes, memories are special, especially when you're little and still learning. And it's my job to make sure they learn to make happy memories. I'm not always good at it. It takes practice. We sure have a lot of fun practicing memory making though!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Whatever is lovely...
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
With all the negativity that happens and is constantly begging for my attention, focusing on the lovely, good parts of my life are what get me through the tough days. Days when it's raining, the kids are fighting, the napping isn't happening, hubby is working late, and I feel like I just need a break before I break down!
With all the negativity that happens and is constantly begging for my attention, focusing on the lovely, good parts of my life are what get me through the tough days. Days when it's raining, the kids are fighting, the napping isn't happening, hubby is working late, and I feel like I just need a break before I break down!
There are a number of things that are lovely about my life. My kids.
See...doesn't this picture make negative thoughts disappear?
More lovely things:
Heaven, that will definitely be lovely when we get there!
My marriage is lovely
My friends are lovely
My job (stay at home mom) that's really lovely!
My dog--he can be lovely...sometimes :)
So when things in life fight to make me crazy, I think of this verse and relate it to my life.
Either way, even if I feel like things in life will make me crazy, God tells me this...
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND mind. :)
God sure covers every aspect of life for us in His word, doesn't he? He doesn't give us any excuse for unacceptable behavior.
See...doesn't this picture make negative thoughts disappear?
More lovely things:
Heaven, that will definitely be lovely when we get there!
My marriage is lovely
My friends are lovely
My job (stay at home mom) that's really lovely!
My dog--he can be lovely...sometimes :)
So when things in life fight to make me crazy, I think of this verse and relate it to my life.
Either way, even if I feel like things in life will make me crazy, God tells me this...
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND mind. :)
God sure covers every aspect of life for us in His word, doesn't he? He doesn't give us any excuse for unacceptable behavior.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
To my kids...
When they placed you in my arms, you slipped into my heart. -Unknown
You help me love.
You take my breath away.
You give me energy.
You inspire me to be better.
You give me patience.
You surprise me.
You teach me.
You bring joy.
You made me a mommy.
You help me find the good stuff in life.
You help me love.
You take my breath away.
You give me energy.
You inspire me to be better.
You give me patience.
You surprise me.
You teach me.
You bring joy.
You made me a mommy.
You help me find the good stuff in life.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
This last Saturday morning was a morning of a first...Melanie got up while I was still sleeping and went downstairs without me! I woke to the sound of little feet running around downstairs. I got out of bed and found her playing. I asked "Did you wake up and come downstairs to play by yourself?" and she just started laughing like it was the best thing she'd ever done. Luckily she can't get into much in the fridge otherwise she might have pulled what my sister and I used to do when we were little, eating licorice and whipped cream for breakfast. (luckily we don't have either of those things in our house right now)
In the last couple weeks little tummy tumblers have become normal for our newest addition. It usually happens after I eat or drink something. It feels like a little gold fish is swimming and flipping around my belly and even though that seems like it would be a weird feeling, I. love. it. Makes the pregnancy seem more real, and I realize that I don't have 2 kids anymore, I have 3!
When I was younger I thought I would only have one baby, because I didn't believe I'd be able to go through child birth more than once. Turns out mamas have high pain tolerances. I didn't have to go through child birth, c-sections became my normal. And being cut open and sewn back together is so worth the love that is placed in my arms afterwards.
Easton started brushing his own teeth and he actually does a better job than Melanie. It used to be I would have to pin him down and shove the brush in his mouth to get them clean. Now he opens his mouth voluntarily, (says awe!) lets me brush around, and then finishes by brushing them himself.
While lots of firsts bring joy, there are other firsts that bring heartache and tears. But it is these firsts that also put things into a greater perspective, bring your heart closer to God, and remind us that it is only through Jesus that we have a hope that inspires us to move on and live better, love stronger, and visit with friends and family more often.
This week brought news that a good friend has cancer. Since then, I've been in constant prayer and I am asking you all, my friends and family to be in prayer with me. I'm praying for healing and hope and strength for everyone involved. Please pray the same and let us all be reminded about what is most important in life and let the trivial things slide.
In the last couple weeks little tummy tumblers have become normal for our newest addition. It usually happens after I eat or drink something. It feels like a little gold fish is swimming and flipping around my belly and even though that seems like it would be a weird feeling, I. love. it. Makes the pregnancy seem more real, and I realize that I don't have 2 kids anymore, I have 3!
When I was younger I thought I would only have one baby, because I didn't believe I'd be able to go through child birth more than once. Turns out mamas have high pain tolerances. I didn't have to go through child birth, c-sections became my normal. And being cut open and sewn back together is so worth the love that is placed in my arms afterwards.
Easton started brushing his own teeth and he actually does a better job than Melanie. It used to be I would have to pin him down and shove the brush in his mouth to get them clean. Now he opens his mouth voluntarily, (says awe!) lets me brush around, and then finishes by brushing them himself.
While lots of firsts bring joy, there are other firsts that bring heartache and tears. But it is these firsts that also put things into a greater perspective, bring your heart closer to God, and remind us that it is only through Jesus that we have a hope that inspires us to move on and live better, love stronger, and visit with friends and family more often.
This week brought news that a good friend has cancer. Since then, I've been in constant prayer and I am asking you all, my friends and family to be in prayer with me. I'm praying for healing and hope and strength for everyone involved. Please pray the same and let us all be reminded about what is most important in life and let the trivial things slide.
Friday, March 4, 2011
oh the little things...
It's been the little things lately that make me smile and even shed a tear of joy these days. The tiny daily details that might be forgotten if they didn't make me smile so darn big and make enough of an impression on my heart that I feel compelled to write about it.
For example, Easton's routine of getting really excited and pounding on the table when he sees his breakfast coming in the morning makes me smile big. Hearing Melanie explain to Easton, "no Eastie, not daddy, daddy working!" when she hears him say "dada?", Guapo being told to go nigh night, while being forced into his bed and covered with any blanket in sight in the middle of the day by both kids, the toilet randomly flushing because Easton has snuck into the bathroom AGAIN. It's these teeny tid bits of our days together that keep me going and it's these little memories that will be fun to share with them when they're older.
Today started something new. A little jig Easton started dancing to make us laugh. I caught it on video. He does it whether there is music or not. He does it because he is just plain happy! What if we all did that? Pretty sure we'd be laughing more and in better moods. The first time he started his jig was in the bathroom, trying to entertain Melanie as she was going potty. Really cute, super funny and I grabbed the camera just in time. Take a gander...I'm sure you'll enjoy--happy weekend everyone!Tuesday, February 22, 2011
There are some things that are unimaginable, unfathomable, and hard to wrap your mind and heart around, until you become a mother. The oh so grand, keeps you awake at night, heart wrenching, lovely, type of love that comes with the birth of your children. The type of love that is unmoved even when the kids are driving you up the wall and you think you can't take another minute of disciplining them. The type of love that brings you to tears when you see a diaper commercial and realize one of your kids is too big for diapers and the other soon will be. This kind of love is the biggest kind of love and I believe it to be the closest to the love that God has for us.
It is this love that has made me laugh, cry, swell with pride, learn to give everything I have to someone else, and many other things that have made me a better person. It is also this same love that drives me. It forces me to be aware at all times and to think of all scenarios so as to keep my children safe in all situations. I would climb mountains, dive into the ocean, run in front of traffic, kill a person, if it meant keeping my children safe. This is how crazy one becomes after becoming a mother.
I remember thinking my mom was crazy..turns out she was..crazy with a love for her kids. And now I feel that same kind of craziness and I understand what my mom was thinking when I was younger. As crazy as this love makes me feel, I really hope that I also learn to let go when the time is right. There are stepping stones in every child's life where they need to be let go, little by little, until, when the all too soon day comes and they become adults and the mother has to give the final let go. This is the heart wrenching part of the crazy mom love. Letting go. Letting go of the person you fed, changed, bathed, taught, and loved like no other. Letting go and hoping they listened to your instruction along the way. Letting go and hoping they remember the crazy love and appreciate it. Letting go and letting God...
It is this love that has made me laugh, cry, swell with pride, learn to give everything I have to someone else, and many other things that have made me a better person. It is also this same love that drives me. It forces me to be aware at all times and to think of all scenarios so as to keep my children safe in all situations. I would climb mountains, dive into the ocean, run in front of traffic, kill a person, if it meant keeping my children safe. This is how crazy one becomes after becoming a mother.
I remember thinking my mom was crazy..turns out she was..crazy with a love for her kids. And now I feel that same kind of craziness and I understand what my mom was thinking when I was younger. As crazy as this love makes me feel, I really hope that I also learn to let go when the time is right. There are stepping stones in every child's life where they need to be let go, little by little, until, when the all too soon day comes and they become adults and the mother has to give the final let go. This is the heart wrenching part of the crazy mom love. Letting go. Letting go of the person you fed, changed, bathed, taught, and loved like no other. Letting go and hoping they listened to your instruction along the way. Letting go and hoping they remember the crazy love and appreciate it. Letting go and letting God...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Date night...
There was a time when I thought I would be single forever. I dated, but no one came close to being right. I remember the Christmas after I turned 24, I joked with my family that I would probably be the one who was 40 and still single at all the holidays. It was a joke, but I almost thought there was some truth to it.
Who would have thought God had something truly wonderful up His sleeve? 6 months later He introduced me to Mr. Right. It was very unexpected.
I was leading Young Life for Emerald Ridge and ended up going to Malibu, Canada for the high school camp. So did my husband. He wasn't my husband yet, but in 5 short days, and a few little conversations with him later, I knew he would be.
While at camp, I was told I should talk to him, so I did. Our first conversation was awkward. I could've sworn he was rolling his eyes at me (he says he wasn't), so I thought he wasn't interested. But after some more quick hellos, and little chats, it was clear God had something planned. I went home from that trip and texted my sister to tell her that I'd met my husband.
After getting back home to Puyallup, I realized there was a problem, my future hubby never got my number. So I didn't know what was going to happen. Well, a couple days later I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize and it was him! He called around to some YL staff to get my number. He asked me out over the phone and the rest was a whirlwind.
I say whirlwind because it all happened so fast. Who tells someone "I love you" on the 5th date? We did. Who gets engaged after 2 months of knowing each other? We did. And who gets married in Vegas after only 3 months of dating and one month engaged?? We did! People think it's crazy and say you shouldn't move so fast, but when God lets you know something is right and illustrated by Him, why not jump in? God doesn't lead us astray.
3 years and 3 months and almost 3 kids later, we're still married and still going on dates. In fact we went on a date last night. A first date of sorts, because we hadn't really been on one since our anniversary in November. We had fun. We laughed, we held hands, we shared a dessert, we shopped...things that dating couples do. It's hard to keep dating after marriage, but we're trying. It keeps our marriage strong.
That's our little love story...kind of fitting to share it on this Valentine's Day weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones!
Who would have thought God had something truly wonderful up His sleeve? 6 months later He introduced me to Mr. Right. It was very unexpected.
I was leading Young Life for Emerald Ridge and ended up going to Malibu, Canada for the high school camp. So did my husband. He wasn't my husband yet, but in 5 short days, and a few little conversations with him later, I knew he would be.
While at camp, I was told I should talk to him, so I did. Our first conversation was awkward. I could've sworn he was rolling his eyes at me (he says he wasn't), so I thought he wasn't interested. But after some more quick hellos, and little chats, it was clear God had something planned. I went home from that trip and texted my sister to tell her that I'd met my husband.
After getting back home to Puyallup, I realized there was a problem, my future hubby never got my number. So I didn't know what was going to happen. Well, a couple days later I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize and it was him! He called around to some YL staff to get my number. He asked me out over the phone and the rest was a whirlwind.
I say whirlwind because it all happened so fast. Who tells someone "I love you" on the 5th date? We did. Who gets engaged after 2 months of knowing each other? We did. And who gets married in Vegas after only 3 months of dating and one month engaged?? We did! People think it's crazy and say you shouldn't move so fast, but when God lets you know something is right and illustrated by Him, why not jump in? God doesn't lead us astray.
3 years and 3 months and almost 3 kids later, we're still married and still going on dates. In fact we went on a date last night. A first date of sorts, because we hadn't really been on one since our anniversary in November. We had fun. We laughed, we held hands, we shared a dessert, we shopped...things that dating couples do. It's hard to keep dating after marriage, but we're trying. It keeps our marriage strong.
That's our little love story...kind of fitting to share it on this Valentine's Day weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Happy little post...
I haven't blogged in over a month, and I know why. I've had a happy little secret tucked in my pocket that would explode if I gave myself a chance to sit and write. I wasn't ready to tell it, so I refrained from writing because this joyous secret was all I wanted to write about.
Babies, babies, babies....we're expecting one! Another one! And if you can't tell, I'm excited! Early September is the due date--our first appointment is on February 7th, so we'll know more about this little person then. It was too hard to wait until after February to tell the baby news, plus the fact that my tummy is a growing machine. There was no hiding it.
Out of all the unknowns there is one thing we do know, if we have a girl, she will be named Skyelynn Faith, if it's a boy...well, we're taking suggestions. :)
So there you have it, the secret threatening to break the seams of my pocket. Now, the only seams threatening to break are the waists of my pants.
That's all for now...until I have more to say!
Babies, babies, babies....we're expecting one! Another one! And if you can't tell, I'm excited! Early September is the due date--our first appointment is on February 7th, so we'll know more about this little person then. It was too hard to wait until after February to tell the baby news, plus the fact that my tummy is a growing machine. There was no hiding it.
Out of all the unknowns there is one thing we do know, if we have a girl, she will be named Skyelynn Faith, if it's a boy...well, we're taking suggestions. :)
So there you have it, the secret threatening to break the seams of my pocket. Now, the only seams threatening to break are the waists of my pants.
That's all for now...until I have more to say!
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