I want to be in all senses of the words, All. Things. Mama.
As far back as I can remember I've wanted to be a mom, not just any mom, but the mom that stays home with her kids full time. The mom who loves even when she is not loved back, who can't breathe without thinking of her kids first. The mom who loves teaching, playing, cooking, baking, laughing, and kissing owies. The mom who is ALL THINGS MAMA. My husband and I scrimp so that dream can be fulfilled. Being a mom is not part time for me. It is something that has captured my heart. All of the going ons of my life start with thoughts of my kids. My kids consume my love and my life and I allow it because, with God's help they are the essence of what makes me a mother. This is me...

kids: the reason for moms

kids: the reason for moms

Monday, November 28, 2011


There are two things I do not like At. All. during the holidays.  Their names are "Sipping in Seattle's Latte Land" and "Christmas in the Northwest."  These songs have forever annoyed me because of their all out corniness that exceeds the limit of corny allowed for regular, old time, good Christmas songs.  Someone give me an amen! Anyone?
While I dislike these songs there is an abundant mess of things I absolutely love about this time of year. Taking it from the top:
1.) My sister playing Silver Bells on the piano and singing loudly and withA LOT of bravado like an old lady in church who thinks she sounds really good!
2.) Snowmen decor
3.) Our church all decorated
4.) Christmas movies
5.) Talking to my kids about baby Jesus
6.) Shopping
7.) Arts and crafts with the kids
8.) Saying "Merry Christmas"
9.) Decorating
10.) Looking at the tree while drinking my morning coffee

There is so much more I LOVE, but these are my top ten.  What are your faves?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

And for my next trick...

I will make my kids extremely thankful this holiday season..umm ya right. We're working on it!  I wish we were all born grateful, with no expectations of being given the things we want.  I know I would be a much better person if that were true!
Now, for the real trick, I will resurrect my last Thanksgiving post and place some parts of it in this post because I remember liking what I wrote so much and I think you'll like it again too...at least that's what I tell myself.. :)
I wrote this last year and it applies to this year too:
Too many blessings to count..and if I really did eat them for dinner I would weigh a thousand pounds.
Since last Thanksgiving we have been blessed with another child, my husband's job, and many more things that are too many to sit and write.  It's an overflowing cup of love that we call our lives.  God does not let us down.
If  you did not try a serving of  thankfulness this year, go ahead, take a bite, it's delicious and it's the best meal you'll ever eat! It also makes you a better person.  My goal for now until next Thanksgiving is to be more thankful, not take anything for-granted, and show my gratitude to others more often!
Wow we've been blessed with ANOTHER child again this year too! 
Isn't she pretty? Don't worry we won't be adding a new baby every year--I think we're maxed out at 3 unless God provides a miracle. ;) But we will continue to put thankfulness on our plates and savor the wonderful flavor of it's goodness.
We've also been blessed with my husband's job again, as he was laid off for 2 months and recently back on the work wagon. I love that he works so hard and I don't tell him thank you enough.  I'll work on that this year too. :)
And yes, my goal of being more thankful remains the same, because being thankful can never max itself out.  It's a never ending goal.  
Ok, and one more thing, I'm thankful for this lopsided tree because it means kids are running around helping me decorate!
Check out the bottom right side of the tree...does your tree hang low? Does it wobble too and fro? Ours does! Sorry about the bad picture..it's from my phone which is dated back to the 1980's..just kidding! It's old, but I'm THANKFUL to have a phone. :)
So, where do you keep your thankfulness?

Monday, November 21, 2011


It's something I've been needing for a while now.  My writing suffers because of it, my unorganized closets suffer because of it, and other things like reading, cleaning, keeping in touch with family and friends, well, almost everything suffers when inspiration is lost.
But this morning I saw something that brought me some more of this inspiration I've been craving.  I watched my husband get up at 4:30, and after showering and getting dressed, he walked into each of our kids' rooms and hugged and kissed them while they slept.  He does this everyday, but today was one of the rare mornings I was still upstairs to see it. It's endearing to see a man be soft and sweet.  You've heard it said that when you see your husband with your kids you fall in love all over again, that would be true!
This week is going to be a busy one.  I have recipes to make, nooks and crannies to clean, a birthday party to plan and kids to entertain while I do all of this.  Inspiration is a must.  If I start to lose it again, I'll picture my husband making the rounds to kiss the kids goodbye while they sleep.
And if that isn't inspiration enough..this little girl squinting to watch her daddy and brother and sister outside playing is pretty inspiring. :)

Sorry about the lapse in blog posts, I'll try to be better about writing now that I've found my inspiration!